The Opus Dei priests at the Chapel are available for Spiritual Direction. Please call the Chapel to schedule an appointment.

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction is an ongoing conversation between you, the director, and the Holy Spirit about how you can know, love, and follow Christ more fully. The role of a spiritual director is not to tell you what to do, the way a boss or a military drill sergeant does. Rather, a spiritual director helps you discover and accept what God is doing in your life and what God is asking you to do (

For more information on Spiritual Direction, you may contact the Chapel or visit Holy Cross Chapel is not affiliated with, but it offers great references and a good starting point to help you find a spiritual director.

"As she has never failed to do, again today the Church continues to recommend the practice of spiritual direction, not only to all those who wish to follow the Lord up close, but to every Christian who wishes to live responsibly his baptism, that is, the new life in Christ."

(Pope Benedict XVI, May 19, 2011).